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Provoking Islam Is it a conspiracy? Part1

// According to the explanation given by the editors of the Danish broadsheet Jyllands-Posten, which first published the offending cartoons against the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was meant to initiate a reasoned debate about self-censorship, when a local author could not find artists to illustrate his book about Muhammad (PBUH). Reportedly the paper published a series of cartoons alongRead More »Provoking Islam Is it a conspiracy? Part1

Transformation of Tribal Areas

// Tribal areas of Pakistan are on the brink of a major historical shift. It has been brought about after the turmoil of 9/11. However, this window of opportunity is available for a short time. Actions are needed immediately, so that the transformation strategy is underway before the next U.S. elections in 2008. If theRead More »Transformation of Tribal Areas

Twenty recommendations for meeting the earth quake challenge in Pakistan

// (by Khalid Aziz)           The 8th October earth quake has traumatized Pakistanis. It has hardly left any one untouched. Yet life must go on and it is for the fortunate to find solutions for those who are in trouble. Following are some of the recommendations, which if implemented can provide dignity to the afflicted.Read More »Twenty recommendations for meeting the earth quake challenge in Pakistan

Earthquake’s aftermath

// It is now 25 days after the earth quake, which destroyed the lives of people in NWFP and Azad Kashmir. During the period, certain issues have crystallized. Firstly, the comparative lack of international sympathy towards the quake victims, reflected in the poor response to appeals for assistance. It contrasts sharply with the availability ofRead More »Earthquake’s aftermath

The Reform of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) and administration of the tribal areas of Pakistan Part2

// (This is the second in a three part series examining the Frontier Crimes Regulation in the context of the tribal areas of Pakistan)   Pashtunwali It will be wise to examine closely some of the important principles within the concept of Pashtunwali. For this is closely connected to the reform of the system inRead More »The Reform of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) and administration of the tribal areas of Pakistan Part2
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